Team App Notifications - Controlling the noise

19 Jun 2017 by Olun Riley

I know some of you don’t mind getting live updates and emails and some do, so here is how you can control the level of noise you receive from the app.

First. Set up the app properly. Allow push notifications and emails and make sure you are getting them first. Once you know they are working, here are your options.

1. Only want emails

Go to the App Settings in your smartphone and disable push notifications for Team App.

2. Only want push notifications

Go to your email client and setup a filter to forward all emails from to Trash. Most email servers keep trash for 2 weeks to 30 days so you can always look there if something is needed forensically.

3. I check app regularly so don’t bug me.

Perform actions 1 and 2 above and you are good to go. When you need to get live feedback, just turn on push notifications, otherwise, keep checking the app. It’s live.

The app is designed for instant notification and prioritizes that over email. What’s nice is that anytime you go to the app, you will get a red Notification bar showing what you missed while you were away so you don’t need to be digging through emails looking for the right message thread.

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